When a customer’s experience doesn’t go well, many negative effects are set in motion, not the least of which is the possible loss of that customer and the money they might have spent with your company.
Recently American Express surveyed consumers to get an idea of the impact customer service has on consumers. They found the following:
- 33% will choose a different company to do business with after a single bad experience.
- Most consumers will avoid a company for two years because of a bad customer experience.
- 65% of customers say a positive experience with customer service is more impactful than exceptional advertising.
- Speed, knowledge and convenience are the most important customer service factors to consumers.
Putting effort toward creating a positive customer experience has an impact that can only be seen as beneficial to your brand. One effective strategy for improving experiences is to outsource your customer service needs to a quality nearshore contact center.
Don’t Lose Revenue
Retaining customers is a strategic priority for most organizations. When you are able to hold on to current customers while pulling in more, you are generating revenue instead of losing it.
You’ve done everything you can to develop great products and services, so don’t lose out on all that time and effort by not having quality customer service. The best way to avoid losing revenue due to bad customer service is to outsource your customer service needs to a professional who focuses on one thing – a positive customer experience.
Nearshore Opportunities
A fantastic customer experience begins by outsourcing to a nearshore contact center where you can save money while impressing your loyal base with exceptional services.
Why nearshore? Companies choose contact centers in places like Belize because the cost savings compared to what you pay for U.S.-based contact center services is measurable. But what they quickly find is that despite paying less, they’re actually getting more value.
At Protel BPO, we’re based in Belize but we share plenty of American cultural ideals. Our agents have neutral accents, which makes communication with them a breeze. They’re also warm and friendly people who have a passion for assisting your customers, and that is where the real value is.
If you’re looking for a way to boost your image, partner with us and we’ll get you to that next step. Contact us today and learn more about what we offer.