Trends come and go, but one thing that will never change is the importance of the relationship you have with your customers. Lately, the focus has been on the customer experience, which includes a variety of factors that impact your customers’ feelings about your brand.
According to a report from Gartner, more than 80% of marketers today say that when they look at competing against other brands, they put their highest focus on the customer experience. An analyst at Gartner said with strong leadership focusing on collaboration across the company on customer experiences, outcomes are improved.
Expanding on Customer Needs
Customers need to feel valued today more than ever. The moment they feel like a company they’ve spent money with has taken them for granted, they are highly likely to seek out other brands to do business with. With a fine-tuned spotlight on the customer experience, whether it’s the smallest online interaction or speaking to a brand representative, making improvements can have a company-wide impact.
Brand Experience Consistency
Even the smallest companies are able to give customers multiple channels through which they can make a connection. This omnichannel strategy can pose a problem without consistency. The level of service with a chatbot has to be on par with that of email or social media interaction.
Why is brand experience consistency important? Because when you’re serving customers at a high level in every channel, they will reward you with loyalty and will even pay more for what you’re offering than what they can for less from someone else. You can’t undervalue the positive experiences because they boost satisfaction as well as sales.
The Danger of Customer Dissatisfaction
Any company that had a run of bad customer experiences can attest to the damage it does to the brand. For example, they’ll likely tell you that the attention they received regarding a positive experience was less potent than attention around a poor customer experience.
One of the problems with customer churn is that in most cases, they never gave the company they left a chance to correct the problem. They were dissatisfied and simply walked without a word. This only proves that getting your customer service right the first time is vital to retaining business.
When you partner with a qualified, trusted and proven professional contact center, you can take an omnichannel approach and never worry about consistency. Rather, you get an experienced group that is solely focused on customer service. That’s what Protel BPO has to offer clients. If you’re looking to improve your approach to the customer experience, contact us.