Customer Service in the Age of Digitization

What do people value most about their customer experience? They’re often looking for a unique, personalized customer experience; for others, some of the most important points to hit with your customer service include being knowledgeable, convenient, efficient and friendly. Prioritize these four areas and you’re likely to find yourself hitting the sweet spot with many…


Customer Service Improvements Save Money

Keeping your current customers is far less costly than building up a new customer base. In fact, you can count on a loyal customer to be worth almost 10 times the amount of their first purchase. From finding a more personalized way to interact with your target audience to outsourcing customer service assistance, you have…


Customer Service for Happier Customers

Customers can get upset when they aren’t happy about the way they have been treated by companies they spend their hard-earned money with. The behavior, which has been defined as “customer rage,” is the topic of a national study that reveals the rage triggers that can be avoided by providing good customer service. It was…


Customer Service Expectations Reach New Highs

Customer expectations are on the rise. Over the past two years, expectations themselves have evolved and it has happened very quickly. In fact, people with their pulse on the wants and needs of the consumers know that customer service has become exceedingly important – far more than it was pre-pandemic. Is your company meeting customer…
